Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pressure Into Bullying

Teens also get pressured into bullying. Depending on the type of people the teen hangs out with it,they mite be a bully. Now there is a different types of bullying too. The photo on the right shows girls picking on a girl, that is called verbal bullying or verbal abuse. Now the photo on the left shows physical bullying or physical abuse. Now guys tend to get pressured into bullying on guys smaller than them to show everyone "who's boss." In reality they are showing that they are insecure and to make them feel good about themselves they will bully. They get pressured into bullying because the people that they are with will like to see a fight, and since you are friends with them they will most likely ask you to bully someone and you start to say no and they start to pressure you and start calling you names.Some get pressured due to the spotlight that they get for getting into a fight or bullying someone. Like the photo on the left shows the kid being bullied and this one kid is video taping it. Girls tend to bully too,buy calling each other names and making fun each other. Girls who want to hang out with the popular girls mite tend to get pressured what ever the popular girls want them to do. So if the girls are making fun of one girl then they mite ask the one girl join into the bullying and thats when the pressuring start. i feel that you shouldn't bully someone at all,that if you dont feel its right then don't do it all. Stand up for what you believe in and don't give into pressure.

Pressured Into Sex

Not only are teens being pressured to doing alcohol and drugs,they are being pressured into having sex. According to this article teens are being pressured into having sex when they are not even ready. In most cases boys are the ones that get pressured more. Teens get pressured into having sex because of the fact that everyone else is doing it. They get pressured from their friends from the stories that teens tell each other. The teens that promise to themselves to keep their virginity get pressured into having sex a lot too. Most teens feel that they need to do it,because everyone else is doing. They don't want to be called a "prude" A "prude " is a person who doesn't do anything sexual activity and to most teens is boring. In reality teens don't need to have sex in order to be cool or have fun. Sex is a simple satisfaction that one gets,more like a pleasure. Guys pressure guys to have sex due to the fact to see how many girls a guy can get and what they can do with them. With girls it's different,if a girl has sex with a lot of guys they think that she is a "whore" or other insults. Though when it comes to time a  girl can try to pressure a guy into having sex or vise versa. Teens having sex is at football games,parties, in cars and all those situations had more to do with people pressuring each other to have sex. If you look at the photo up to the right it shows everyone on the bed and looking at each other smiling. Some teens put a fake smile on and just go with the flow of things. If you take a look to the left photo it shows people making out getting a little close to each other and the girl is standing by herself. If there were other people she most likely would have gotten pressured int having sex. Getting pressured into having sex happens all the time, the teen has to ask themselves if they really want to this to themselves and again make their decision. I think that if your not ready then your not ready,you shouldn't get pressured into doing something that you don't want to do. Sex can wait,its not necessary and when the person feels comfortable then yes, Teens don't need to rush themselves,they have all their life to wait.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Parents Can Help With Pressure For Teens

Many parents worry about their teens and feel like they cant do anything to help their teens out. In reality parents still have a big influence on teens life. Parents can help teens out by just talking to their teens, it's not a whole lot but it's enough. Some teens won't respond but they feel the warmth compassion from their parents and it makes them feel that everything is ok. As said in this quote from this article, "It is very important to communicate with your child to help minimize their being susceptible to negative influences and prevent them from picking up bad habits."  This quotes helps analyze the statement that parents need to talk to their teens,to help get through them. This other article has a quote that is somewhat similar to the quote before,"Offer open discussions about situations and incidents - without the threat of punishment or judgment." This quote states almost the same statement as the other did. Except for this quote it states how you should tell the teen how the conversation is going to be. That the conversation is just going to be a conversation without punishment and with out yelling. These articles helps bring the statement to life. They teach the parents how to have a conversation with their teens and gain their teens' trust.I would recommend these articles to parents that want to help their teens and it also provides a little understanding on what teens deal with. I think teens should be able to talk to their parents with out yelling and punishment,that way teens aren't scared to talk to their parents about anything. The parents would gain confidence with their teens and little by little the teens have some one to help go through the pressure they are getting. 

The Positive and Negative Effects of Peer Pressue

In peer pressure there are positive and negative effects on peer pressure.
In this one it quotes,"Peer pressure can lead you to make the right choices in life." This quote helps states that peer pressure can have a positive effect on teens and that it's not necessarily a bad thing when teens get pressured. Though there is always a pros and cons in situations,which bring the quote from this article which is,"It is detrimental to self-esteem. Negative peer pressure makes kids feel like they are worthless. It often makes kids feel like because they are different, or are not carbon copies of their peers that they are not of value."With this quote it helps provide and understanding on what are the negative effects of peer pressure on teens. These two article talk about the negative effects and positive effects in teens and how it can make teens feel bad or make them feel good.If the teens socialize with the people that make good choices the teens could get positive feed back. Also if they take a look of the choices that the other teens in their group are making and can make then teen want to make that decision too. It could make the teens go on a good pathway for themselves and for their future. Now the negative effects that teens get from peer pressure is just like the quote said,to make the teen feel worthless. It makes the teen feel bad that if they don't participate in the certain activity that they aren't part of the group. If they aren't part of the group they feel like they have no one else,they feel that they are all alone in their situation. Also by doing such activities they get pressured into doing they mite not even like. Say this group of friends smoke and start to drink and this teen who doesn't want to do it,dose it anyways because everyone else is doing, The teen is doing some thing that he or she doesn't want to do. Thats where the negative effect comes into play and teens loses their individuality. I feel that teens shouldn't listen to anyone else but themselves. Thats the only voice that should count their own. With the case of the parents' too because where would a teen be without their parents. Teens should think to themselves and say to themselves if this is good for me or not,and base off that question make the decision to carry on what they were doing or stop themselves.    

pressured to look nice


Not only are teens pressured to do illegal things they are pressured to look nice too. Many girls want to be the skinny girl and the big boobs and most guys want to be the guy with big muscles that looks tough. In this one article this girl quotes,"I felt totally inadequate. I was completely focused on the middle area of my body as being really ugly."In this article it starts off with this girl stating how all her life she had a bad body image until she turned 16 and got liposuction. Teen girls get pressured by mostly by everyone to to become thin and beautiful. By the quote that was stated she felt insecure about herself and its not only her that goes through it, it's most girls that go through it everyday.In the article it states how other girls are getting surgeries to make themselves look more pretty. It also states that so many girls are getting it that it is becoming well accepted and almost becoming a norm. In another article it quotes,"It's a fact — some guys care just as much as girls do about their appearance." With this quotes it provides that guys care about their image too. In the article it talks about how guys don't talk about their self image and how they keep it built inside and without any feedback from friends and family they can get negative affects from getting pressured to look good.
 These two articles talk about how teen girl and teen guy work for their self image. They get pressured by their friends and believe it or not their own family. These two articles talk about how these teens would work on their image as if it was their job. That they want to look good and be perfect. That they want to look good to impress other people. These two articles brings up the point that teens want to look perfect. Look at the two pictures, the one on the left is a picture about a guy with nice arm muscles and looks buff. To many girl that is their dream guy cause he looks good. Now look at the right picture and see how the girl has a nice tan,nice hair,nice boobs,and what do you know shes thin. Most girls look for that because they think that is what guys look for and that and other girls who look like that are perfect. The two pictures are from the media which like i said play a huge role in teens getting pressured to look good.
 To me everyone is beautiful in their own each way. There is no more perfect,perfect dose not exist. People will always make a bad remark about a person and say "oh their hair is ugly" or "Oh wow,look at that nose". Teens have to relax and take a breather because no one is ugly and there is defiantly no perfect. That they have their whole life ahead of them and not to worry.  

School pressure exist

There is another type of pressure among teens. Its not a type of bad pressure for teens to do bad things. This type of pressure may not involve teens' peers as much. This is type of pressure is school pressure. The school pressure involves parents and the schools themselves. In this one article it describes how staying focused to school and working on school is hard for teens. That if they are in sport,jobs, activities they have to maintain that up and their grades up in order to to continue on what ever they are doing. In the other article it talk about how parents put on a great role on pressuring there teens to do well in school. They want their kids to be good at school and make something with their life in the future.
The both articles talk about how teens have to do good in school and how they need to do well in order to go to college. You have the parents forcing it upon teenagers to do well in high school so that they can go to college. Which brings the other article come to play for teens to keep up with their other activities and to do well in high school so that they can go to college. I think that teens  get stressed too much and pressured to do well in school by teachers and parents. The parents want their teens to go to school and then teens start to freak out because they want to do well so that they can please their parents. Then the teachers scare teens into believing that if you don't do well in high school then there is nothing else for you to do in life. The teachers scare teens into being pressured to go to colleges, Then you have the colleges themselves that pressure teens to do well in high school in order to maybe get accepted in their college. Its a hard battle for teens to manage their social life, extra curricular activities and their school work. Its not only teens get pressured into doing bad things they get pressured into doing good things,as in getting into college and making their parents proud. 

Is it possible to avoid teen pressure?

In most cases when teens go through their high school years its hard to avoid teen pressure. Its everywhere and honestly its unavoidable.The most pressure they get is at high school. Parents do play a great part in a teens' life and pressures them to do well but in most cases teens listen to their friends then to their parents. They find it harder to avoid the pressure from their peers due to the fact that number one they go to the same school and number two they know that their parents will always love them no matter what mistakes in life, well in most cases.
  In this article it states all effects and what is peer pressure to teens. It states strategies for teens to avoid peer pressure but with parents help. In this article is states the ways teens themselves can avoid teen pressure. They both talk about that peer pressure is avoidable. That it is ok to say no and stand out. In the both articles it states that the both teens have to look deep into themselves and think and ask themselves if what they are doing is right or wrong. They both make the teens realize to themselves that is ok to say no and be themselves and that when they say no they mean no. That they have both their families by their side and that their real true friends will stick by their side. That fitting in with the group that they want to be isn't that great. That being the person they are is good enough and they shouldn't let other people influence their lifes. To stand up and say no to who ever is pressuring them and say no the group they are trying to fit. To say no to the people that are trying to change the person that they are, Is peer pressure avoidable? Yes,yes it is,by saying standing up for yourself and by saying no and meaning it!