Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Parents Can Help With Pressure For Teens

Many parents worry about their teens and feel like they cant do anything to help their teens out. In reality parents still have a big influence on teens life. Parents can help teens out by just talking to their teens, it's not a whole lot but it's enough. Some teens won't respond but they feel the warmth compassion from their parents and it makes them feel that everything is ok. As said in this quote from this article, "It is very important to communicate with your child to help minimize their being susceptible to negative influences and prevent them from picking up bad habits."  This quotes helps analyze the statement that parents need to talk to their teens,to help get through them. This other article has a quote that is somewhat similar to the quote before,"Offer open discussions about situations and incidents - without the threat of punishment or judgment." This quote states almost the same statement as the other did. Except for this quote it states how you should tell the teen how the conversation is going to be. That the conversation is just going to be a conversation without punishment and with out yelling. These articles helps bring the statement to life. They teach the parents how to have a conversation with their teens and gain their teens' trust.I would recommend these articles to parents that want to help their teens and it also provides a little understanding on what teens deal with. I think teens should be able to talk to their parents with out yelling and punishment,that way teens aren't scared to talk to their parents about anything. The parents would gain confidence with their teens and little by little the teens have some one to help go through the pressure they are getting. 

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