Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pressured Into Sex

Not only are teens being pressured to doing alcohol and drugs,they are being pressured into having sex. According to this article teens are being pressured into having sex when they are not even ready. In most cases boys are the ones that get pressured more. Teens get pressured into having sex because of the fact that everyone else is doing it. They get pressured from their friends from the stories that teens tell each other. The teens that promise to themselves to keep their virginity get pressured into having sex a lot too. Most teens feel that they need to do it,because everyone else is doing. They don't want to be called a "prude" A "prude " is a person who doesn't do anything sexual activity and to most teens is boring. In reality teens don't need to have sex in order to be cool or have fun. Sex is a simple satisfaction that one gets,more like a pleasure. Guys pressure guys to have sex due to the fact to see how many girls a guy can get and what they can do with them. With girls it's different,if a girl has sex with a lot of guys they think that she is a "whore" or other insults. Though when it comes to time a  girl can try to pressure a guy into having sex or vise versa. Teens having sex is at football games,parties, in cars and all those situations had more to do with people pressuring each other to have sex. If you look at the photo up to the right it shows everyone on the bed and looking at each other smiling. Some teens put a fake smile on and just go with the flow of things. If you take a look to the left photo it shows people making out getting a little close to each other and the girl is standing by herself. If there were other people she most likely would have gotten pressured int having sex. Getting pressured into having sex happens all the time, the teen has to ask themselves if they really want to this to themselves and again make their decision. I think that if your not ready then your not ready,you shouldn't get pressured into doing something that you don't want to do. Sex can wait,its not necessary and when the person feels comfortable then yes, Teens don't need to rush themselves,they have all their life to wait.

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