Wednesday, April 6, 2011

School pressure exist

There is another type of pressure among teens. Its not a type of bad pressure for teens to do bad things. This type of pressure may not involve teens' peers as much. This is type of pressure is school pressure. The school pressure involves parents and the schools themselves. In this one article it describes how staying focused to school and working on school is hard for teens. That if they are in sport,jobs, activities they have to maintain that up and their grades up in order to to continue on what ever they are doing. In the other article it talk about how parents put on a great role on pressuring there teens to do well in school. They want their kids to be good at school and make something with their life in the future.
The both articles talk about how teens have to do good in school and how they need to do well in order to go to college. You have the parents forcing it upon teenagers to do well in high school so that they can go to college. Which brings the other article come to play for teens to keep up with their other activities and to do well in high school so that they can go to college. I think that teens  get stressed too much and pressured to do well in school by teachers and parents. The parents want their teens to go to school and then teens start to freak out because they want to do well so that they can please their parents. Then the teachers scare teens into believing that if you don't do well in high school then there is nothing else for you to do in life. The teachers scare teens into being pressured to go to colleges, Then you have the colleges themselves that pressure teens to do well in high school in order to maybe get accepted in their college. Its a hard battle for teens to manage their social life, extra curricular activities and their school work. Its not only teens get pressured into doing bad things they get pressured into doing good things,as in getting into college and making their parents proud. 

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