Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is it possible to avoid teen pressure?

In most cases when teens go through their high school years its hard to avoid teen pressure. Its everywhere and honestly its unavoidable.The most pressure they get is at high school. Parents do play a great part in a teens' life and pressures them to do well but in most cases teens listen to their friends then to their parents. They find it harder to avoid the pressure from their peers due to the fact that number one they go to the same school and number two they know that their parents will always love them no matter what mistakes in life, well in most cases.
  In this article it states all effects and what is peer pressure to teens. It states strategies for teens to avoid peer pressure but with parents help. In this article is states the ways teens themselves can avoid teen pressure. They both talk about that peer pressure is avoidable. That it is ok to say no and stand out. In the both articles it states that the both teens have to look deep into themselves and think and ask themselves if what they are doing is right or wrong. They both make the teens realize to themselves that is ok to say no and be themselves and that when they say no they mean no. That they have both their families by their side and that their real true friends will stick by their side. That fitting in with the group that they want to be isn't that great. That being the person they are is good enough and they shouldn't let other people influence their lifes. To stand up and say no to who ever is pressuring them and say no the group they are trying to fit. To say no to the people that are trying to change the person that they are, Is peer pressure avoidable? Yes,yes it is,by saying standing up for yourself and by saying no and meaning it!

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