Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pressure falls into Temptations

Today teens get all sorts of peer pressure. Though the peer pressure that parents don't want their teens falling into is drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol are the top peer pressure that teens get convinced into doing. Most teens get pressured into doing because they think everyone is doing it and they have to do it too. They think that since everyone else is doing it they will become "cool" and be a normal teenager. If its not the feeling of getting high its the feeling of being drunk. Some teens that don't even like alcohol still drink it because everyone else is drinking at the party and they don't want to be the odd ball of the party that doesn't drink. Little do they know that all the drinking and the use of drugs can harm them in the future.
     Take a look at the two photos and look at what they are doing. In the one photo it has two girls and two boys smoking. In the other photo it shows a bunch of teens drinking. When you take a look at the two photos you see that all the teens' expressions on their faces is that they are smiling. Even though in the two photos they are doing two separate things  they both look like the teens are having fun. When teens look at that lifestyle they see that everyone is smiling and having a good time.The people people they see having a good time can either be the cool people or their own friends. They get pressured by their friends to do it cause they want their friends to do what they are doing and become cool. These teens see these teens having a good time and see them smiling and that everyone is getting along,so they start to feel a little upset. When they are feeling like this they want to do what ever to make them happy. They start to feel resentment and start doing other things that make them happy. They want to get accepted into a social group,they want tot be part of something that they feel that they are part of something. Teens pressure teens to do these things becuase they say that they are going to have a good time and that they will be happy as in the two photos. Its a fighting battle themselves and the people around them,and peer pressure isn't making it easier.

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